Why law is important ?
Why do people need to obey laws ?
What's the importance of obeying laws ?
这类疑问的难度较大, 由于在日常日子里边我们根本不会提到相似的论题, 所以在言语的堆集上面是一片空白的。同学们在答复的时分会走进一个误区, 比方:给出各种比如, 如: 没有法令, 我们会乱穿马路种种。但是零星的比如很难让考官给出一个高分。而我在上课的时分一直通知同学们的是答复疑问要简练, 要注意是不是有踩分点。
法令能够建立次序, 清晰公民职责和权力
2.法令给出社会公认的做法规范, 做到赏罚有度
参阅:(有下划线的当地, 一定要背诵, 这些是要害语料)
Of course , it's important to obey laws .
Law helps to regulate society, establishs and keeps orders, identifies the
beliefs and values , and outlines our rights and responsibilities.
It gives us patterns of expected social conduct and consequences for breaking laws and it also allows for just and fair treatment for all.
Without law , our society will be in chaos .
regulate society :管理社会
establish and keep orders:建立和坚持次序
identify the beliefs and values:清晰社会的信仰和价值
outline our rights and responsibilities:清晰公民的权力和职责
It gives us patterns of expected social conduct and consequences for breaking laws:法令让我们的社会法律,及对违法者的处分有据可循
allow for just and fair treatment for all :法令能做到对违法者天公地道